Baby Name Rankings of Haylie

Haylie: Statistics About The Baby Name Haylie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2012*** 8952910.0151%
2011*** 8063320.0173%
2010*** 7793490.0180%
2009*** 6444510.0225%
2008*** 4976240.0304%
2007*** 4227650.0367%
2006*** 4277320.0356%
2005*** 4406770.0340%
2004*** 5405200.0262%
2003*** 5844670.0234%
2002*** 5814430.0225%
2001*** 7123440.0174%
2000*** 6383910.0197%
1999*** 7552970.0153%
1998*** 8272570.0133%
1997*** 8152530.0133%
1996*** 8382380.0124%
1995*** 8882130.0111%
1994*** 8942150.0110%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.