Baby Name Rankings of Harlow

Harlow: Statistics About The Baby Name Harlow

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2381,2660.0724%
2022*** 2611,1900.0667%
2021*** 2381,2630.0710%
2020*** 3249580.0544%
2019*** 3171,0010.0549%
2018*** 3668580.0465%
2017*** 3907940.0423%
2016*** 4207830.0406%
2015*** 4227540.0390%
2014*** 5086050.0312%
2013*** 5405440.0285%
2012*** 5785030.0262%
2011*** 6214620.0241%
2010*** 7783490.0180%
2009*** 9022990.0149%
1936985410.0039% ***
1916958450.0049% ***
190696280.0056% ***
1900873100.0062% ***
189892870.0053% ***
189592770.0055% ***
189189860.0055% ***
188798950.0046% ***
188472180.0065% ***
188396050.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.