Baby Name Rankings of Harland

Harland: Statistics About The Baby Name Harland

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1951942550.0029% ***
1949899590.0033% ***
1948808710.0040% ***
1947845670.0036% ***
1946869570.0035% ***
1945763650.0047% ***
1944963450.0033% ***
1943801670.0046% ***
1942782680.0048% ***
1941806610.0049% ***
1940703740.0062% ***
1939741660.0058% ***
1938592990.0087% ***
1937644840.0077% ***
1936723690.0065% ***
1935673790.0074% ***
1934646870.0082% ***
1933597950.0093% ***
19325741060.0099% ***
19315701060.0099% ***
19305981030.0091% ***
19295461160.0105% ***
19285401270.0111% ***
19275381310.0113% ***
19265921120.0098% ***
19255311350.0117% ***
19245101510.0129% ***
19235141410.0125% ***
19224981550.0138% ***
19215021520.0134% ***
19205251350.0123% ***
19195851060.0104% ***
19184791540.0147% ***
19175171250.0130% ***
19165371150.0125% ***
19155201150.0130% ***
1914565790.0116% ***
1913556610.0114% ***
1912621450.0100% ***
1911616250.0104% ***
1910800150.0072% ***
1909778140.0079% ***
190898290.0054% ***
1907901100.0063% ***
1906819100.0069% ***
1905483220.0154% ***
190483890.0065% ***
190387080.0062% ***
1901703100.0086% ***
1900713130.0080% ***
189981680.0069% ***
1895716100.0079% ***
189379280.0066% ***
188992360.0050% ***
188383460.0053% ***
188279270.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.