Baby Name Rankings of Gustav

Gustav: Statistics About The Baby Name Gustav

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1934902490.0046% ***
1933985420.0041% ***
1930948510.0045% ***
1929919540.0049% ***
1928894560.0049% ***
1927950530.0046% ***
1926732760.0066% ***
1925948510.0044% ***
1924877620.0053% ***
1923873610.0054% ***
1922850650.0058% ***
1921799720.0063% ***
1920889600.0055% ***
1919683830.0082% ***
1918651900.0086% ***
19175941000.0104% ***
1916594960.0104% ***
1915598920.0104% ***
1914583740.0108% ***
1913518690.0129% ***
1912474680.0151% ***
1911579280.0116% ***
1910663200.0096% ***
1909661170.0096% ***
1908546220.0132% ***
1907756130.0082% ***
1906658140.0097% ***
1905482220.0154% ***
1904577160.0116% ***
1903588150.0116% ***
1902624130.0098% ***
1901516150.0130% ***
1900566190.0117% ***
1899444180.0156% ***
1898410230.0174% ***
1897505160.0131% ***
1896330330.0256% ***
1895463190.0150% ***
1894445190.0152% ***
1893394210.0173% ***
1892381250.0190% ***
1891361230.0210% ***
1890396210.0175% ***
1889343270.0227% ***
1888338300.0231% ***
1887283340.0311% ***
1886304320.0269% ***
1885323280.0241% ***
1884291360.0293% ***
1883242440.0391% ***
1882262430.0352% ***
1881403180.0166% ***
1880286330.0279% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.