Baby Name Rankings of Gust

Gust: Statistics About The Baby Name Gust

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1928996480.0042% ***
1927996500.0043% ***
1923887590.0052% ***
1919883570.0056% ***
1912922240.0053% ***
1910839140.0067% ***
1909975100.0057% ***
1907834110.0069% ***
1906776110.0076% ***
1903713110.0085% ***
1902565150.0113% ***
1901515150.0130% ***
1900637160.0098% ***
1899490160.0139% ***
1898528160.0121% ***
1897486170.0139% ***
1896431210.0163% ***
1895445200.0158% ***
1894428200.0160% ***
1893588120.0099% ***
1892339310.0236% ***
1891448160.0146% ***
1890418190.0159% ***
1889342270.0227% ***
1888372250.0192% ***
1887330250.0229% ***
1886350240.0202% ***
1885489150.0129% ***
1884405200.0163% ***
1883539120.0107% ***
1882360250.0205% ***
1881354220.0203% ***
1880357230.0194% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.