Baby Name Rankings of Gussie

Gussie: Statistics About The Baby Name Gussie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1947*** 974830.0046%
1945*** 897710.0053%
1944*** 7411060.0078%
1943*** 873800.0056%
1942*** 812890.0064%
1941*** 6881040.0084%
1940*** 6141300.0110%
1939*** 6301160.0102%
1938*** 6251200.0105%
1937*** 5691420.0129%
1936*** 5731320.0123%
1935*** 6011180.0109%
1934*** 6071180.0109%
1933*** 5131520.0145%
1932*** 5251560.0141%
1931*** 5401500.0136%
1930*** 5261660.0142%
1929*** 5511540.0133%
1928*** 5241750.0147%
1927*** 4682220.0180%
1926*** 4412380.0194%
1925*** 4042900.0230%
1924*** 4312620.0202%
1923*** 4132630.0210%
1922*** 3703150.0253%
1921*** 3813050.0239%
1920*** 3593310.0266%
1919*** 3273750.0319%
1918*** 3243900.0324%
1917*** 3253610.0321%
1916*** 3063870.0357%
1915*** 3183440.0336%
1914*** 2883340.0420%
1913*** 2892720.0417%
1912*** 2832580.0441%
1911947130.0054% 2492440.0554%
1910799150.0072% 2492390.0571%
1909*** 2442110.0574%
1908*** 2332120.0599%
1907*** 2421940.0575%
190688190.0062% 2311880.0600%
190595780.0056% 2172050.0662%
1904*** 2351730.0592%
1903*** 2301700.0611%
190282090.0068% 2181850.0660%
190199160.0052% 2201670.0657%
1900*** 2032360.0742%
189981480.0069% 2371370.0554%
189892570.0053% 2141810.0660%
1897663110.0090% 2131660.0669%
1896*** 2151670.0663%
1895*** 2251500.0607%
1894*** 2081650.0699%
1893*** 2211380.0613%
1892*** 2061510.0671%
1891*** 2001370.0697%
1890*** 2161250.0620%
1889*** 2001330.0703%
188896860.0046% 2071180.0623%
188798750.0046% 235820.0528%
188689460.0050% 212890.0579%
1885*** 206870.0613%
1884*** 248610.0443%
1883*** 216680.0566%
1882*** 198700.0605%
1881*** 216500.0506%
1880*** 209540.0553%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.