Baby Name Rankings of Griffin

Griffin: Statistics About The Baby Name Griffin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232141,7220.0940% ***
20222301,5300.0821% ***
20212321,5790.0849% ***
20202411,4880.0807% ***
20192321,6120.0845% ***
20182241,6620.0862% ***
20172431,5110.0770% ***
20162291,6920.0839% ***
20152361,6010.0790% ***
20142411,5220.0750% ***
20132251,6130.0806% ***
20122201,6390.0816% ***
20112281,5650.0778% ***
20102311,5050.0740% ***
20092331,5380.0734% ***
20082421,4850.0690% ***
20072421,4660.0672% ***
20062541,3400.0622% ***
20052441,3570.0650% ***
20042411,3670.0657% ***
20032251,5250.0730% ***
20022281,4680.0713% ***
20012391,4170.0688% ***
20002301,4680.0705% ***
19992191,5450.0760% ***
19982151,4910.0737% ***
19972251,3620.0683% ***
19962819900.0495% ***
19953556880.0343% ***
19944035660.0278% ***
19934844320.0209% ***
19925613280.0157% ***
19916342580.0122% ***
19906012780.0129% ***
19896352470.0118% ***
19886192320.0116% ***
19875712520.0129% ***
19867541440.0075% ***
19857241480.0077% ***
1984988810.0043% ***
1983987800.0043% ***
190687990.0062% ***
190586590.0063% ***
190381690.0070% ***
190180580.0069% ***
189799560.0049% ***
189189660.0055% ***
189083970.0058% ***
188984070.0059% ***
188798650.0046% ***
188480670.0057% ***
188299850.0041% ***
188181760.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.