Baby Name Rankings of Gregorio

Gregorio: Statistics About The Baby Name Gregorio

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19989261520.0075% ***
19979081500.0075% ***
19968571620.0081% ***
19959191450.0072% ***
19947851820.0089% ***
19937671860.0090% ***
19928281620.0077% ***
19917931690.0080% ***
19908081580.0074% ***
19898721330.0064% ***
19889171080.0054% ***
19878061330.0068% ***
19867071620.0084% ***
19858451130.0059% ***
19848331100.0059% ***
19837661280.0069% ***
19826851590.0084% ***
19817481350.0073% ***
19807471380.0075% ***
19797821220.0068% ***
19787561240.0073% ***
19778091110.0065% ***
19767701160.0071% ***
1975836990.0061% ***
19747391200.0074% ***
19737531130.0070% ***
19727761060.0063% ***
19717801080.0060% ***
19707671160.0061% ***
19697621050.0057% ***
1968805850.0048% ***
1967830750.0042% ***
1966822790.0043% ***
1965801860.0045% ***
1964848800.0039% ***
1963841810.0039% ***
1962865770.0037% ***
1961806900.0042% ***
1960826850.0039% ***
1959848800.0037% ***
1958884730.0034% ***
1957872750.0034% ***
1956867750.0035% ***
1955837770.0037% ***
1954798820.0040% ***
1953863690.0035% ***
1952890630.0032% ***
1951861660.0035% ***
1950804720.0040% ***
1949812710.0040% ***
1948799720.0041% ***
1947800740.0040% ***
1946800690.0042% ***
1945778630.0046% ***
1944798620.0045% ***
1943829640.0044% ***
1942828620.0044% ***
1941851550.0044% ***
1940908490.0041% ***
1938841550.0048% ***
1937831540.0049% ***
1936814570.0054% ***
1935695760.0071% ***
1934691780.0074% ***
1933794600.0059% ***
1932669830.0077% ***
1931593980.0092% ***
1930673860.0076% ***
19295941030.0093% ***
1928646940.0083% ***
19276151030.0089% ***
1926656930.0081% ***
1925668920.0080% ***
19246321040.0089% ***
1923726810.0072% ***
1922772740.0066% ***
1921700870.0077% ***
1920729800.0073% ***
1919761720.0071% ***
1918956490.0047% ***
1917924480.0050% ***
1916829570.0062% ***
1915710690.0078% ***
1914766480.0070% ***
1913810350.0065% ***
1912823290.0064% ***
1911776180.0075% ***
1910690190.0091% ***
190898190.0054% ***
1907792120.0076% ***
1905811100.0070% ***
190189470.0061% ***
1900813110.0068% ***
189799460.0049% ***
189679890.0070% ***
1894693100.0080% ***
189166390.0082% ***
188992160.0050% ***
188896760.0046% ***
188786460.0055% ***
188395550.0044% ***
188096450.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.