Baby Name Rankings of Golden

Golden: Statistics About The Baby Name Golden

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1924959540.0046% ***
1921920580.0051% 975580.0045%
1920988490.0045% ***
1919785680.0067% 893620.0053%
1918*** 963560.0047%
1917877530.0055% ***
1916919480.0052% 908560.0052%
1915920460.0052% 975470.0046%
1914860400.0059% ***
1913751390.0073% ***
1912673400.0089% 896320.0055%
1911803170.0071% 815280.0064%
1910642210.0101% 861250.0060%
1909508260.0147% 821250.0068%
1908723140.0084% 860210.0059%
1907603180.0114% 731270.0080%
1906599160.0111% 694280.0089%
1905622150.0105% 765230.0074%
1904546170.0123% 862180.0062%
1903*** 659260.0093%
1902599140.0105% 804190.0068%
190175090.0078% 974120.0047%
1900Golden711130.0080% 711260.0082%
189989570.0061% ***
1898493180.0136% 671240.0088%
189788670.0057% 684210.0085%
189685280.0062% 799170.0067%
1895652110.0087% 799160.0065%
1894648110.0088% ***
1893673100.0083% 774150.0067%
1892*** 628210.0093%
189189460.0055% 680160.0081%
189069490.0075% 624180.0089%
188969390.0076% 824110.0058%
1888668100.0077% 91690.0048%
188778170.0064% 88980.0051%
188672180.0067% 645130.0085%
1885*** 76690.0063%
1884*** 81680.0058%
188395350.0044% ***
188192550.0046% ***
188077370.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.