Baby Name Rankings of Glendon

Glendon: Statistics About The Baby Name Glendon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19757641170.0072% ***
1954959590.0029% ***
1952995520.0026% ***
1951927570.0030% ***
1949865630.0035% ***
1948891590.0033% ***
1947892610.0033% ***
1945886510.0037% ***
1944834570.0041% ***
1943807660.0046% ***
1942845600.0043% ***
1941761660.0053% ***
1940816590.0050% ***
1939877500.0044% ***
1938745680.0060% ***
1937769640.0059% ***
1936768630.0059% ***
1935790610.0057% ***
1934718730.0069% ***
1933623860.0084% ***
1932695790.0074% ***
1931743690.0065% ***
1930758710.0063% ***
1929811640.0058% ***
1928632960.0084% ***
1927765740.0064% ***
1926683870.0076% ***
1925771730.0063% ***
1924681920.0079% ***
1923703850.0075% ***
1922718840.0075% ***
1921766760.0067% ***
1920670910.0083% ***
1919815650.0064% ***
1918914530.0050% ***
1917703750.0078% ***
1916884510.0055% ***
1914954340.0050% ***
1912951230.0051% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.