Baby Name Rankings of Glenda

Glenda: Statistics About The Baby Name Glenda

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1989*** 9042030.0102%
1988*** 9641720.0090%
1987*** 9081830.0098%
1986*** 8441970.0107%
1985*** 7872120.0115%
1984*** 7162300.0128%
1983*** 6132850.0159%
1982*** 5743190.0176%
1981*** 5923100.0174%
1980*** 5673260.0183%
1979*** 6032970.0173%
1978*** 5163610.0220%
1977*** 4774020.0245%
1976*** 4364560.0290%
1975*** 4424470.0287%
1974*** 3985090.0325%
1973*** 3725650.0364%
1972*** 3556190.0384%
1971*** 3327820.0447%
1970*** 3128920.0487%
1969*** 2979430.0535%
1968*** 2729990.0585%
1967*** 2521,1100.0647%
1966*** 2211,3670.0779%
1965*** 2171,5160.0830%
1964*** 1981,8610.0951%
1963*** 1872,0490.1031%
1962*** 1652,4610.1215%
1961*** 1592,5940.1250%
1960*** 1562,6920.1295%
1959*** 1482,8380.1366%
1958*** 1412,9770.1442%
1957*** 1343,1960.1524%
1956*** 1343,2370.1572%
1955*** 1283,3390.1667%
1954*** 1143,7300.1874%
1953*** 1053,6600.1899%
1952*** 973,8730.2036%
1951*** 894,1340.2243%
1950*** 874,2130.2396%
1949*** 873,9670.2261%
1948*** 923,8260.2197%
1947*** 964,1530.2287%
1946*** 993,5780.2223%
1945*** 932,9580.2198%
1944*** 793,3600.2461%
1943*** 833,3930.2370%
1942*** 893,0940.2223%
1941*** 962,6410.2122%
1940*** 1082,3510.1990%
1939*** 1122,2900.2019%
1938*** 1231,9550.1713%
1937*** 1461,5360.1395%
1936*** 1501,3670.1269%
1935*** 1691,1450.1054%
1934*** 1949220.0852%
1933*** 2336790.0650%
1932*** 3832910.0263%
1931*** 4292290.0208%
1930*** 4941820.0156%
1929*** 4981830.0158%
1928*** 5081840.0154%
1927*** 5591610.0130%
1926*** 5431650.0134%
1925*** 6091430.0113%
1924*** 6141500.0116%
1923*** 6641250.0100%
1922*** 6801150.0092%
1921*** 6881160.0091%
1920*** 6881120.0090%
1919*** 796780.0066%
1918*** 771860.0072%
1917*** 765820.0073%
1916*** 843650.0060%
1915*** 798680.0066%
1914*** 817510.0064%
1913*** 759480.0074%
1912*** 797390.0067%
1911*** 842260.0059%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.