Baby Name Rankings of Gino

Gino: Statistics About The Baby Name Gino

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20149422230.0110% ***
20139402110.0105% ***
20049011870.0090% ***
20038621990.0095% ***
20029151740.0085% ***
20018561870.0091% ***
20009021720.0083% ***
19998771720.0085% ***
19987941920.0095% ***
19977012270.0114% ***
19967521990.0099% ***
19957302150.0107% ***
19946672420.0119% ***
19936582440.0118% ***
19926352620.0125% ***
19917481850.0087% ***
19907891650.0077% ***
19898161470.0070% ***
19888231320.0066% ***
19878741140.0059% ***
19867761360.0071% ***
19858491120.0058% ***
19848811000.0053% ***
19838431070.0058% ***
19828101190.0063% ***
19818451080.0058% ***
19807251460.0079% ***
19797381370.0077% ***
19788191080.0063% ***
19778251060.0062% ***
19767631180.0072% ***
19758111050.0065% ***
19747151320.0081% ***
19737371180.0073% ***
19727681070.0064% ***
19716401650.0091% ***
19706451590.0084% ***
19696171600.0088% ***
19686431390.0078% ***
19676191470.0083% ***
19666561280.0070% ***
19655701810.0096% ***
19646171600.0079% ***
19636341530.0074% ***
19626091610.0077% ***
19616021720.0080% ***
19606271550.0072% ***
19595941720.0079% ***
19586331470.0068% ***
19577221070.0049% ***
1956763930.0043% ***
1955874710.0034% ***
1954948610.0030% ***
1937958430.0039% ***
1935927470.0044% ***
1934977430.0041% ***
1933966430.0042% ***
1931866540.0051% ***
1930695810.0072% ***
1929853600.0054% ***
1927903570.0049% ***
1926770710.0062% ***
1925788700.0061% ***
1924749790.0068% ***
1923742780.0069% ***
1922771740.0066% ***
1921904600.0053% ***
1920905580.0053% ***
1918945500.0048% ***
1915970420.0048% ***
1914916360.0053% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.