Baby Name Rankings of Ginger

Ginger: Statistics About The Baby Name Ginger

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1989*** 9971730.0087%
1988*** 8262200.0115%
1987*** 7622350.0126%
1986*** 6402880.0156%
1985*** 5783360.0182%
1984*** 4774300.0239%
1983*** 4075270.0295%
1982*** 3466810.0376%
1981*** 3287210.0404%
1980*** 3237500.0422%
1979*** 3167570.0440%
1978*** 2449940.0605%
1977*** 2609500.0578%
1976*** 2251,0810.0688%
1975*** 2241,0770.0691%
1974*** 1981,2820.0819%
1973*** 2011,2710.0818%
1972*** 2101,3200.0819%
1971*** 1871,6700.0954%
1970*** 2261,3790.0753%
1969*** 2351,2730.0723%
1968*** 2361,1910.0697%
1967*** 2441,1630.0678%
1966*** 2471,1480.0654%
1965*** 2571,1090.0607%
1964*** 2591,1800.0603%
1963*** 2531,2260.0617%
1962*** 2611,1870.0586%
1961*** 2791,0810.0521%
1960*** 2661,1360.0546%
1959*** 2661,0940.0526%
1958*** 2919480.0459%
1957*** 2761,0050.0479%
1956*** 2799720.0472%
1955*** 3018440.0421%
1954*** 2898640.0434%
1953*** 2848540.0443%
1952*** 2679020.0474%
1951*** 2648650.0469%
1950*** 3026590.0375%
1949*** 3006630.0378%
1948*** 3186000.0345%
1947*** 3046820.0376%
1946*** 2995970.0371%
1945*** 3693620.0269%
1944*** 3973170.0232%
1943*** 4123130.0219%
1942*** 4892310.0166%
1941*** 4612260.0182%
1940*** 4752010.0170%
1939*** 5211640.0145%
1938*** 5841390.0122%
1937*** 5281570.0143%
1936*** 4691880.0175%
1935*** 5951200.0110%
1934*** 771760.0070%
1933*** 868600.0057%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.