Baby Name Rankings of Gideon

Gideon: Statistics About The Baby Name Gideon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233181,0340.0565% ***
20223331,0120.0543% ***
20213101,0710.0576% ***
20203211,0240.0555% ***
20193201,0270.0538% ***
20183081,0920.0566% ***
20173041,1450.0583% ***
20163381,0220.0506% ***
20153281,0420.0514% ***
20143499280.0457% ***
20133708300.0415% ***
20123907540.0375% ***
20114126800.0338% ***
20104615690.0280% ***
20095494740.0226% ***
20085344920.0229% ***
20075284800.0220% ***
20065914090.0190% ***
20056902930.0140% ***
20046922780.0134% ***
20036852800.0134% ***
20027842190.0106% ***
20017052520.0122% ***
20008891750.0084% ***
19959721300.0065% ***
1980991830.0045% ***
1909914110.0062% ***
1900811110.0068% ***
189998060.0052% ***
189083870.0058% ***
1888565130.0100% ***
188770880.0073% ***
1886619100.0084% ***
1885529130.0112% ***
188467790.0073% ***
188395250.0044% ***
188288060.0049% ***
188174070.0065% ***
1880616100.0084% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.