Baby Name Rankings of Gianni

Gianni: Statistics About The Baby Name Gianni

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234506850.0374% ***
20223798500.0456% ***
20213908140.0437% ***
20203548900.0483% ***
20194476790.0356% ***
20184167450.0386% ***
20175285320.0271% ***
20166004480.0222% ***
20155644970.0245% ***
20145155350.0264% ***
20135324940.0247% ***
20124496020.0300% ***
20115154970.0247% ***
20105824280.0210% ***
20095424800.0229% ***
20085434780.0222% ***
20075744410.0202% ***
20066113830.0178% ***
20055664110.0197% ***
20046223330.0160% ***
20036523020.0145% ***
20027092490.0121% ***
20017852140.0104% ***
20007292350.0113% ***
19997272250.0111% ***
19985593510.0173% ***
19976782400.0120% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.