Baby Name Rankings of Gianna

Gianna: Statistics About The Baby Name Gianna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 216,1290.3504%
2022*** 226,3850.3578%
2021*** 137,4370.4179%
2020*** 137,8720.4467%
2019*** 783,4080.1870%
2018*** 803,4290.1857%
2017*** 913,1830.1698%
2016*** 923,2180.1669%
2015*** 963,1610.1633%
2014*** 953,0610.1579%
2013*** 863,4160.1789%
2012*** 733,6010.1874%
2011*** 634,0410.2104%
2010*** 663,9260.2022%
2009*** 763,8910.1944%
2008*** 863,6260.1764%
2007*** 903,6670.1760%
2006*** 983,4010.1654%
2005*** 1102,9220.1467%
2004*** 1242,6900.1354%
2003*** 1432,3000.1153%
2002*** 1631,9820.1008%
2001*** 1851,7630.0893%
2000*** 2401,3290.0668%
1999*** 2421,3040.0671%
1998*** 2641,1750.0607%
1997*** 3597700.0404%
1996*** 4016550.0342%
1995*** 4206160.0321%
1994*** 5024910.0252%
1993*** 5534300.0218%
1992*** 6223640.0182%
1991*** 6663260.0160%
1990*** 8632280.0111%
1989*** 8892070.0104%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.