Baby Name Rankings of Gia

Gia: Statistics About The Baby Name Gia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2691,1550.0660%
2022*** 2671,1790.0661%
2021*** 2781,1300.0635%
2020*** 3299370.0532%
2019*** 4127550.0414%
2018*** 3867990.0433%
2017*** 4027760.0414%
2016*** 3728720.0452%
2015*** 3738710.0450%
2014*** 3668810.0454%
2013*** 3499240.0484%
2012*** 3329330.0486%
2011*** 2991,0530.0548%
2010*** 3908090.0417%
2009*** 5905040.0252%
2008*** 7224080.0199%
2007*** 6554460.0214%
2006*** 6434410.0214%
2005*** 7303660.0184%
2004*** 7533410.0172%
2003*** 7553270.0164%
2002*** 7433260.0166%
2001*** 7523170.0161%
2000*** 9452250.0113%
1971*** 9991250.0071%
1970*** 8281660.0091%
1969*** 7281920.0109%
1966*** 8701330.0076%
1965*** 9651130.0062%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.