Baby Name Rankings of Gertha

Gertha: Statistics About The Baby Name Gertha

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1921*** 989570.0045%
1917*** 948540.0048%
1915*** 910530.0052%
1912*** 858340.0058%
1911*** 861250.0057%
1910*** 926220.0053%
1909*** 945190.0052%
1906*** 826200.0064%
1905*** 858190.0061%
1904*** 861180.0062%
1903*** 947140.0050%
1902*** 916150.0054%
1901*** 836160.0063%
1899*** 946120.0048%
1897*** 947120.0048%
1895*** 830150.0061%
1883*** 77970.0058%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.