Baby Name Rankings of Gerold

Gerold: Statistics About The Baby Name Gerold

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1956910670.0031% ***
1954933630.0030% ***
1953914620.0031% ***
1952919600.0030% ***
1951860660.0035% ***
1950920560.0031% ***
1949800740.0041% ***
1948844650.0037% ***
1947920580.0031% ***
1946799690.0042% ***
1945762650.0047% ***
1944821590.0043% ***
1943828640.0044% ***
1942717800.0057% ***
1941709760.0061% ***
1940886510.0043% ***
1939616900.0079% ***
1938696760.0067% ***
1937809580.0053% ***
1936877490.0046% ***
1935870520.0049% ***
1934794610.0058% ***
1933852530.0052% ***
1932820600.0056% ***
1930896550.0049% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.