Baby Name Rankings of German

German: Statistics About The Baby Name German

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20099442130.0102% ***
20088592440.0113% ***
20079182120.0097% ***
20068392370.0110% ***
20057752490.0119% ***
20048262130.0102% ***
20037062650.0127% ***
20027582260.0110% ***
20016632740.0133% ***
20006932540.0122% ***
19997442160.0106% ***
19987582100.0104% ***
19976562500.0125% ***
19966452590.0129% ***
19956712450.0122% ***
19946582510.0123% ***
19936682370.0115% ***
19926642430.0116% ***
19915853020.0143% ***
19906162680.0125% ***
19895962680.0128% ***
19887761480.0074% ***
19878591180.0061% ***
19869071020.0053% ***
19858121190.0062% ***
19848091160.0062% ***
19837811240.0067% ***
19828301150.0061% ***
19817851230.0066% ***
19808661050.0057% ***
19798521030.0058% ***
1978922880.0052% ***
1977910870.0051% ***
1976948770.0047% ***
1975885870.0054% ***
1974971710.0044% ***
1973931750.0047% ***
1966961570.0031% ***
188299650.0041% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.