Baby Name Rankings of Genaro

Genaro: Statistics About The Baby Name Genaro

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20009761520.0073% ***
19999581500.0074% ***
19989821400.0069% ***
19959071480.0074% ***
19949751280.0063% ***
19939981190.0058% ***
19909881140.0053% ***
1988977980.0049% ***
1987983930.0048% ***
1986965900.0047% ***
1984925900.0048% ***
1983884990.0053% ***
1982940910.0048% ***
1981894990.0053% ***
1980916940.0051% ***
1979957850.0048% ***
1977928840.0049% ***
1976930810.0050% ***
1975870910.0056% ***
1974907800.0049% ***
1973965700.0043% ***
1972890810.0048% ***
1970982680.0036% ***
1969938670.0037% ***
1965930630.0033% ***
1961957640.0030% ***
1959962640.0030% ***
1958958630.0029% ***
1957972610.0028% ***
1956992570.0027% ***
1953990530.0027% ***
1952957560.0028% ***
1940971440.0037% ***
1936837530.0050% ***
1933929460.0045% ***
1932918500.0047% ***
1931860550.0052% ***
1930993470.0042% ***
1929965490.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.