Baby Name Rankings of Gay

Gay: Statistics About The Baby Name Gay

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1969*** 9441270.0072%
1968*** 7621700.0099%
1967*** 7351770.0103%
1966*** 6202350.0134%
1965*** 5443030.0166%
1964*** 5263500.0179%
1963*** 4983800.0191%
1962*** 4604470.0221%
1961*** 3955950.0287%
1960*** 3806270.0302%
1959*** 3626820.0328%
1958*** 4254880.0236%
1957*** 3735850.0279%
1956*** 3915260.0255%
1955*** 3964940.0247%
1954*** 3386340.0319%
1953*** 3505770.0299%
1952*** 3196420.0338%
1951*** 3445380.0292%
1950*** 3584830.0275%
1949*** 3574870.0278%
1948*** 3604710.0271%
1947*** 3405410.0298%
1946*** 3354880.0303%
1945*** 3463930.0292%
1944*** 3433970.0291%
1943*** 3154850.0339%
1942*** 3563870.0278%
1941983430.0034% 3413680.0296%
1940*** 3783070.0260%
1939*** 3473380.0298%
1938*** 3633230.0283%
1937*** 3443400.0309%
1936*** 3533200.0297%
1935*** 3962650.0244%
1934*** 4272360.0218%
1933*** 4292270.0217%
1932*** 4482170.0196%
1931*** 5001660.0151%
1930*** 5461550.0133%
1929*** 6501150.0099%
1928*** 754890.0075%
1927*** 811810.0066%
1926*** 804820.0067%
1925*** 821820.0065%
1924*** 997590.0046%
1923*** 887690.0055%
1920*** 981560.0045%
1919*** 846680.0058%
1918*** 878670.0056%
1917*** 807730.0065%
1916*** 820680.0063%
1915*** 852590.0058%
1914*** 925410.0052%
1913*** 912340.0052%
1911*** 909230.0052%
1910*** 848260.0062%
1909*** 801260.0071%
1908*** 893200.0056%
1907*** 753250.0074%
1906*** 977150.0048%
1905*** 982150.0048%
1904*** 918160.0055%
1903*** 820180.0065%
1902*** 855170.0061%
1901*** 936130.0051%
1900*** 874190.0060%
189989370.0061% 610260.0105%
1898*** 898150.0055%
1897*** 909130.0052%
189692970.0054% 822160.0063%
189489870.0056% 724170.0072%
1893*** 728170.0075%
1892*** 696180.0080%
189188960.0055% 813120.0061%
189077380.0067% 677160.0079%
1889*** 770120.0063%
188877780.0062% 700140.0074%
1887*** 759100.0064%
188689260.0050% ***
188395150.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.