Baby Name Rankings of Garnet

Garnet: Statistics About The Baby Name Garnet

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1944*** 955660.0048%
1943*** 884780.0054%
1942*** 7251070.0077%
1941*** 858720.0058%
1940*** 722930.0079%
1939*** 829700.0062%
1938*** 712930.0082%
1937*** 6671040.0094%
1936*** 769770.0071%
1935*** 681960.0088%
1934*** 706890.0082%
1933*** 6161110.0106%
1932*** 6731010.0091%
1931*** 6361090.0099%
1930*** 6671060.0091%
1929*** 5751420.0123%
1928*** 6471180.0099%
1927*** 6101370.0111%
1926*** 6061370.0111%
1925*** 5791550.0123%
1924958540.0046% 5691650.0127%
1923*** 5121870.0149%
1922*** 5581640.0131%
1921*** 4912010.0157%
1920931550.0050% 4182520.0203%
1919919530.0052% 4442200.0187%
1918966480.0046% 4072580.0215%
1917876530.0055% 4172320.0207%
1916977430.0047% 4362100.0194%
1915886490.0056% 4431920.0188%
1914971330.0048% 4281580.0199%
1913888310.0058% 4271330.0204%
1912*** 4671040.0178%
1911999120.0050% 3761160.0263%
1910891130.0062% 465740.0177%
1909*** 408800.0218%
1908796120.0072% 431700.0198%
190795590.0057% 405770.0228%
1906*** 418670.0214%
1905*** 482500.0161%
1904593150.0108% 503430.0147%
190386780.0062% 485440.0158%
1902*** 529370.0132%
1901*** 444450.0177%
1900*** 664290.0091%
1899*** 529320.0129%
1898*** 533350.0128%
1897*** 492350.0141%
1896*** 569290.0115%
1895*** 667220.0089%
189489570.0056% 634220.0093%
1893*** 617220.0098%
1892*** 740160.0071%
1891*** 678160.0081%
1890*** 704150.0074%
188983570.0059% 822110.0058%
1887*** 758100.0064%
1885*** 81580.0056%
1884*** 88170.0051%
188299450.0041% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.