Baby Name Rankings of Garett

Garett: Statistics About The Baby Name Garett

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20029791600.0078% ***
20018681840.0089% ***
20007662160.0104% ***
19998481780.0088% ***
19988741660.0082% ***
19978281750.0088% ***
19968501640.0082% ***
19958981490.0074% ***
19949841270.0062% ***
19939071400.0068% ***
19929311310.0063% ***
19918751440.0068% ***
19909121270.0059% ***
1988983970.0049% ***
19879331030.0053% ***
1986981880.0046% ***
19858601100.0057% ***
1984893960.0051% ***
1983965840.0045% ***
1982923940.0050% ***
1981905970.0052% ***
1980943900.0049% ***
1979972830.0046% ***
1978995750.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.