Baby Name Rankings of Francine

Francine: Statistics About The Baby Name Francine

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1987*** 9751620.0087%
1986*** 9231730.0094%
1985*** 7762170.0118%
1984*** 7892020.0112%
1983*** 8281850.0104%
1982*** 7442260.0125%
1981*** 6692600.0146%
1980*** 8072000.0112%
1979*** 7222310.0134%
1978*** 7012250.0137%
1977*** 7102180.0133%
1976*** 6522370.0151%
1975*** 5732890.0185%
1974*** 5193240.0207%
1973*** 5263190.0205%
1972*** 4464230.0262%
1971*** 4135120.0292%
1970*** 3886040.0330%
1969*** 4015670.0322%
1968*** 3626140.0359%
1967*** 3616140.0358%
1966*** 3337100.0405%
1965*** 3506900.0378%
1964*** 3238430.0431%
1963*** 3328090.0407%
1962*** 3367840.0387%
1961*** 3009420.0454%
1960*** 2851,0210.0491%
1959*** 2879860.0475%
1958*** 3218350.0405%
1957*** 3078950.0427%
1956*** 2681,0250.0498%
1955*** 2581,0410.0520%
1954*** 2611,0110.0508%
1953*** 2461,0800.0560%
1952*** 2431,0590.0557%
1951*** 2281,1390.0618%
1950*** 2241,1230.0639%
1949*** 2281,0580.0603%
1948*** 2389770.0561%
1947*** 2311,0380.0572%
1946*** 2161,0800.0671%
1945*** 2477430.0552%
1944*** 2935300.0388%
1943*** 3025300.0370%
1942*** 2855760.0414%
1941*** 3353870.0311%
1940*** 3843010.0255%
1939*** 4032790.0246%
1938*** 3962870.0252%
1937*** 4152430.0221%
1936*** 4372180.0202%
1935*** 4212390.0220%
1934*** 4961680.0155%
1933*** 4522080.0199%
1932*** 4911830.0165%
1931*** 5241580.0143%
1930*** 5811390.0119%
1929*** 6491150.0099%
1928*** 731940.0079%
1927*** 6331270.0103%
1926*** 7151040.0085%
1925*** 7231040.0082%
1924*** 756970.0075%
1923*** 942610.0049%
1922*** 832780.0063%
1921*** 795850.0066%
1920*** 858710.0057%
1918*** 917610.0051%
1916*** 962510.0047%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.