Baby Name Rankings of Foy

Foy: Statistics About The Baby Name Foy

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1939913470.0041% ***
1936929440.0041% ***
1931944480.0045% ***
1928967500.0044% ***
1926954510.0045% ***
1924876620.0053% ***
1923965510.0045% ***
1922869630.0056% ***
1921837680.0060% ***
1918913530.0050% ***
1917937470.0049% ***
1916941460.0050% ***
1915786590.0067% ***
1914843410.0060% ***
1913763380.0071% ***
1912900250.0055% ***
190897590.0054% ***
1905646140.0098% ***
190174890.0078% ***
1900865100.0062% ***
189799060.0049% ***
189684980.0062% ***
188991460.0050% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.