Baby Name Rankings of Forest

Forest: Statistics About The Baby Name Forest

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20237473480.0190% ***
20227063710.0199% ***
20217153590.0193% ***
20208032880.0156% ***
20199112390.0125% ***
20189732110.0109% ***
19957492050.0102% ***
19946572510.0123% ***
19937212060.0100% ***
19928201640.0078% ***
19919231310.0062% ***
1981993830.0045% ***
19808841020.0055% ***
1979988800.0045% ***
1977913860.0050% ***
1976916830.0051% ***
1975942750.0046% ***
1974863860.0053% ***
1971878860.0047% ***
1970948710.0037% ***
1968830780.0044% ***
1967934600.0034% ***
1966847740.0041% ***
1965800860.0045% ***
1964842820.0040% ***
1963829840.0041% ***
1962797910.0043% ***
1961848820.0038% ***
1960803900.0042% ***
1959799910.0042% ***
19587071120.0052% ***
19577211070.0049% ***
1956757940.0044% ***
19557141040.0050% ***
19547191010.0049% ***
19536771110.0056% ***
1952712970.0049% ***
19516921020.0054% ***
19506471150.0063% ***
19495931310.0073% ***
19486461100.0062% ***
19475311610.0087% ***
19466401000.0061% ***
19455811080.0079% ***
19445121400.0101% ***
19435681250.0086% ***
19425371310.0093% ***
19414941400.0112% ***
19405191250.0105% ***
19395081250.0110% ***
19385531100.0097% ***
19374741430.0131% ***
19365171190.0112% ***
19355061290.0121% ***
19344901370.0129% ***
19334161700.0167% ***
19324611540.0144% ***
19313972000.0187% ***
19304072060.0183% ***
19293902200.0199% ***
19283742430.0213% ***
19273982260.0195% ***
19263812350.0205% ***
19253802480.0216% ***
19243652720.0233% ***
19233622680.0237% ***
19223402980.0265% ***
19213802550.0224% ***
19203402930.0266% ***
19193262960.0291% ***
19183213160.0301% ***
19173192860.0298% ***
19162973020.0327% ***
19153342520.0286% ***
19142992280.0334% ***
19133001750.0327% ***
19123421220.0271% ***
1911287840.0349% ***
1910304650.0312% ***
1909340470.0266% ***
1908311500.0301% ***
1907268610.0385% ***
1906260580.0403% ***
1905264560.0391% ***
1904235650.0469% ***
1903271470.0363% ***
1902236600.0452% ***
1901256450.0389% ***
1900286530.0326% ***
1899283380.0330% ***
1898223620.0469% ***
1897246500.0410% 838150.0060%
1896258500.0387% ***
1895249520.0410% ***
1894310320.0256% ***
1893223590.0487% ***
1892254490.0373% ***
1891249410.0375% ***
1890285370.0309% 890100.0050%
1889363240.0202% ***
1888298360.0277% ***
1887314280.0256% ***
1886257440.0370% ***
1885310300.0259% ***
1884302330.0269% ***
1883312280.0249% ***
1882335270.0221% ***
1881402180.0166% ***
1880308300.0253% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.