Baby Name Rankings of Finnegan

Finnegan: Statistics About The Baby Name Finnegan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234926080.0332% ***
20224476910.0371% ***
20213768570.0461% ***
20204107200.0390% ***
20194307090.0371% ***
20184147630.0396% ***
20174107580.0386% ***
20163938140.0403% ***
20154057590.0374% ***
20144646250.0308% ***
20134626050.0302% ***
20124915400.0269% ***
20114785460.0271% ***
20105444610.0227% ***
20095484740.0226% ***
20086473700.0172% ***
20076533650.0167% ***
20067792620.0122% ***
20058872010.0096% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.