Baby Name Rankings of Finn

Finn: Statistics About The Baby Name Finn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231881,9070.1041% ***
20221762,1360.1146% ***
20211842,0820.1119% ***
20201782,1450.1163% ***
20191722,2330.1170% ***
20181662,3160.1201% ***
20171672,3650.1205% ***
20161752,2890.1134% ***
20152091,8810.0928% ***
20142341,5670.0772% ***
20132501,4400.0720% ***
20122911,2050.0600% ***
20113041,0780.0536% ***
20103001,0810.0532% ***
20093439070.0433% ***
20083688320.0387% ***
20073877730.0355% ***
20064565830.0270% ***
20055374420.0212% ***
20045713900.0188% ***
20036552990.0143% ***
20028002130.0104% ***
20017992090.0101% ***
20008311920.0092% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.