Baby Name Rankings of Fatima

Fatima: Statistics About The Baby Name Fatima

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 3448930.0511%
2022*** 3529020.0505%
2021*** 3778200.0461%
2020*** 3429070.0515%
2019*** 3259790.0537%
2018*** 3449150.0496%
2017*** 3151,0310.0550%
2016*** 3061,0640.0552%
2015*** 3111,0410.0538%
2014*** 3281,0090.0520%
2013*** 3081,0360.0543%
2012*** 3021,0530.0548%
2011*** 2811,1240.0585%
2010*** 2701,2070.0622%
2009*** 2731,1880.0593%
2008*** 2491,3830.0673%
2007*** 2321,4950.0717%
2006*** 2281,4940.0726%
2005*** 2361,4010.0703%
2004*** 2721,1820.0595%
2003*** 2391,3500.0677%
2002*** 2461,2840.0653%
2001*** 2271,4020.0710%
2000*** 2421,3140.0660%
1999*** 3827480.0385%
1998*** 4965100.0264%
1997*** 5014940.0259%
1996*** 5514220.0220%
1995*** 5933820.0199%
1994*** 5724010.0206%
1993*** 5714170.0212%
1992*** 6293600.0180%
1991*** 6693230.0159%
1990*** 6213610.0176%
1989*** 6852960.0149%
1988*** 6622910.0152%
1987*** 6922650.0142%
1986*** 7702210.0120%
1985*** 7672210.0120%
1984*** 6852450.0136%
1983*** 7862020.0113%
1982*** 7152420.0134%
1981*** 7512190.0123%
1980*** 7892080.0117%
1979*** 7642100.0122%
1978*** 8621700.0104%
1977*** 8971580.0096%
1976*** 8701550.0099%
1975*** 7461920.0123%
1974*** 8601520.0097%
1973*** 8621490.0096%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.