Baby Name Rankings of Fallon

Fallon: Statistics About The Baby Name Fallon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 6894200.0240%
2022*** 7144070.0228%
2021*** 7253920.0220%
2020*** 8623110.0176%
2019*** 9592730.0150%
1995*** 9282030.0106%
1994*** 9971860.0096%
1993*** 8802190.0111%
1992*** 8442360.0118%
1991*** 9831910.0094%
1990*** 9252060.0100%
1989*** 8552180.0110%
1988*** 8252200.0115%
1987*** 7142560.0137%
1986*** 5213940.0214%
1985*** 4994050.0220%
1984*** 4604520.0251%
1983*** 3805860.0328%
1982*** 3766090.0336%
1981*** 7122340.0131%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.