Baby Name Rankings of Ezequiel

Ezequiel: Statistics About The Baby Name Ezequiel

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233369880.0540% ***
20223321,0120.0543% ***
20213349670.0520% ***
20203618590.0466% ***
20193947920.0415% ***
20184267180.0372% ***
20174416990.0356% ***
20165215640.0280% ***
20155734870.0240% ***
20145694850.0239% ***
20135614660.0233% ***
20125155070.0252% ***
20115564530.0225% ***
20105624440.0218% ***
20095624640.0221% ***
20085195160.0240% ***
20075274810.0221% ***
20065414600.0213% ***
20055464330.0207% ***
20045633980.0191% ***
20035673900.0187% ***
20025603950.0192% ***
20015723580.0174% ***
20005953310.0159% ***
19995613560.0175% ***
19985903210.0159% ***
19975673310.0166% ***
19965603290.0164% ***
19956072850.0142% ***
19946702370.0116% ***
19937641870.0091% ***
19927871770.0084% ***
19918091630.0077% ***
19907651760.0082% ***
19899521140.0054% ***
19888681190.0060% ***
1987968950.0049% ***
1986948930.0049% ***
1984983820.0044% ***
1983986800.0043% ***
19828841020.0054% ***
1981904970.0052% ***
1980897990.0054% ***
1976956760.0047% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.