Baby Name Rankings of Eunice

Eunice: Statistics About The Baby Name Eunice

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1995*** 8952110.0110%
1994*** 9302010.0103%
1993*** 9412000.0102%
1992*** 9042160.0108%
1991*** 9641960.0096%
1990*** 9282040.0099%
1989*** 9781770.0089%
1988*** 8412140.0112%
1987*** 9191800.0096%
1986*** 9421680.0091%
1985*** 9721580.0086%
1983*** 9841470.0082%
1982*** 9081660.0092%
1980*** 8831730.0097%
1978*** 9281520.0093%
1977*** 9431470.0089%
1976*** 8211690.0108%
1975*** 8151680.0108%
1974*** 8301590.0102%
1973*** 7621770.0114%
1972*** 7791750.0109%
1971*** 7871840.0105%
1970*** 7621900.0104%
1969*** 7161970.0112%
1968*** 6862010.0118%
1967*** 6832010.0117%
1966*** 6312290.0130%
1965*** 6232450.0134%
1964*** 5653040.0155%
1963*** 5623040.0153%
1962*** 5613040.0150%
1961*** 5393330.0161%
1960*** 5333270.0157%
1959*** 4993840.0185%
1958*** 4863840.0186%
1957*** 4524360.0208%
1956*** 4564050.0197%
1955*** 4254310.0215%
1954*** 4234230.0213%
1953*** 3984540.0236%
1952*** 3675070.0267%
1951*** 3495250.0285%
1950*** 3325420.0308%
1949*** 3285550.0316%
1948*** 3146010.0345%
1947*** 2977040.0388%
1946*** 2916310.0392%
1945*** 2756310.0469%
1944*** 2557150.0524%
1943*** 2467800.0545%
1942*** 2398010.0576%
1941*** 2277700.0619%
1940*** 2038690.0736%
1939*** 2058460.0746%
1938*** 1959430.0826%
1937*** 1861,0430.0947%
1936*** 1791,0610.0985%
1935*** 1701,1270.1038%
1934*** 1611,2290.1136%
1933*** 1541,1890.1138%
1932*** 1461,3760.1244%
1931*** 1471,3420.1217%
1930*** 1481,4390.1235%
1929*** 1451,5390.1330%
1928*** 1371,7250.1444%
1927*** 1341,9450.1574%
1926*** 1341,9400.1578%
1925*** 1302,0890.1655%
1924*** 1292,1530.1662%
1923*** 1252,1120.1687%
1922*** 1192,1820.1750%
1921*** 1202,2430.1754%
1920*** 1152,2370.1799%
1919*** 1192,0610.1755%
1918*** 1112,2270.1852%
1917*** 1112,0340.1811%
1916930470.0051% 1101,9550.1802%
1915*** 1091,8610.1819%
1914*** 1091,4750.1856%
1913*** 1071,2110.1854%
1912*** 1091,0640.1818%
1911*** 1098280.1880%
1910*** 1137410.1770%
1909972100.0057% 1176240.1698%
1908848110.0066% 1066750.1907%
1907*** 1116080.1803%
1906812100.0069% 1145540.1769%
1905*** 1225250.1695%
1904*** 1175020.1717%
190394470.0054% 1194690.1686%
190296670.0053% 1184900.1748%
1901*** 1224240.1668%
1900709130.0080% 1255040.1585%
189996960.0052% 1263850.1556%
1898*** 1234370.1594%
1897*** 1273870.1559%
1896*** 1363510.1393%
1895*** 1373340.1352%
1894*** 1482950.1250%
1893*** 1353100.1376%
1892*** 1422940.1307%
1891*** 1482370.1206%
1890*** 1662140.1061%
1889*** 1631850.0978%
1888*** 1621800.0950%
1887*** 1721360.0875%
1886*** 1631420.0924%
1885*** 1571360.0958%
1884*** 1671120.0814%
1883*** 1611060.0883%
1882*** 185750.0648%
1881*** 172770.0779%
1880*** 182670.0686%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.