Baby Name Rankings of Estevan

Estevan: Statistics About The Baby Name Estevan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20079002180.0100% ***
20068462340.0109% ***
20057542580.0124% ***
20047582380.0114% ***
20036862790.0134% ***
20027932160.0105% ***
20017472310.0112% ***
20007432290.0110% ***
19997112330.0115% ***
19986842480.0123% ***
19976962280.0114% ***
19966842380.0119% ***
19957422100.0105% ***
19946812320.0114% ***
19936922230.0108% ***
19926852270.0108% ***
19917351900.0090% ***
19907201990.0093% ***
19897001970.0094% ***
19887281680.0084% ***
19878211290.0066% ***
19868691090.0057% ***
19857901260.0066% ***
19848041170.0062% ***
19838681020.0055% ***
19828371120.0059% ***
1981947900.0048% ***
1980983840.0045% ***
1978921880.0052% ***
1977976770.0045% ***
1976955760.0047% ***
188598550.0043% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.