Baby Name Rankings of Estella

Estella: Statistics About The Baby Name Estella

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 6104860.0278%
2022*** 4986280.0352%
2021*** 6574510.0253%
2020*** 7313730.0212%
2019*** 7823520.0193%
2018*** 7473680.0199%
2017*** 7873460.0185%
2016*** 9113030.0157%
2015*** 8743160.0163%
2014*** 9552780.0143%
2013*** 8882860.0150%
2012*** 8822970.0155%
1974*** 9731260.0081%
1973*** 8811430.0092%
1971*** 9641320.0075%
1970*** 8901490.0081%
1969*** 9121350.0077%
1968*** 7701690.0099%
1967*** 7361760.0103%
1966*** 7131890.0108%
1965*** 7211880.0103%
1964*** 7042160.0110%
1963*** 6702270.0114%
1962*** 6912220.0110%
1961*** 6032780.0134%
1960*** 5892830.0136%
1959*** 5982760.0133%
1958*** 5852890.0140%
1957*** 5732830.0135%
1956*** 4963560.0173%
1955*** 5233090.0154%
1954*** 4623640.0183%
1953*** 4423790.0197%
1952*** 4373840.0202%
1951*** 4473400.0184%
1950*** 4013970.0226%
1949*** 3804250.0242%
1948*** 3964000.0230%
1947*** 3844290.0236%
1946*** 3963700.0230%
1945*** 3753560.0264%
1944*** 3873320.0243%
1943*** 3793640.0254%
1942*** 3723620.0260%
1941*** 3713300.0265%
1940*** 3413550.0301%
1939*** 3203740.0330%
1938*** 3533330.0292%
1937*** 3383440.0312%
1936*** 3283570.0331%
1935*** 3303680.0339%
1934*** 3253710.0343%
1933*** 3034070.0389%
1932*** 3004440.0401%
1931*** 3024480.0406%
1930*** 3094610.0396%
1929*** 2835160.0446%
1928*** 2845320.0445%
1927*** 2865460.0442%
1926*** 2775720.0465%
1925*** 2686090.0482%
1924*** 2695810.0448%
1923*** 2725600.0447%
1922*** 2616200.0497%
1921*** 2616370.0498%
1920*** 2646190.0498%
1919*** 2665700.0485%
1918*** 2575980.0497%
1917*** 2516170.0549%
1916*** 2495920.0546%
1915*** 2425990.0585%
1914*** 2365120.0644%
1913*** 2224650.0712%
1912*** 2273930.0672%
1911*** 1963620.0822%
1910*** 1813770.0901%
1909*** 1873170.0863%
1908*** 1813160.0893%
1907*** 1813090.0916%
1906*** 1842710.0865%
1905*** 1812750.0888%
1904*** 1583440.1176%
1903*** 1623050.1097%
1902*** 1682830.1010%
1901*** 1622810.1105%
1900*** 1593650.1148%
1899*** 1572880.1164%
1898*** 1593190.1164%
1897*** 1473170.1277%
1896*** 1333630.1440%
1895*** 1463040.1230%
1894*** 1283350.1420%
1893*** 1293290.1461%
1892*** 1293320.1476%
1891*** 1332670.1358%
1890*** 1223200.1587%
1889*** 1282880.1522%
1888*** 1213030.1599%
1887*** 1172600.1673%
1886*** 1182460.1600%
1885*** 1102460.1733%
1884*** 1162220.1613%
1883*** 1062330.1940%
1882*** 1101980.1711%
1881*** 1111630.1649%
1880*** 1111620.1660%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.