Baby Name Rankings of Erma

Erma: Statistics About The Baby Name Erma

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1968*** 9601160.0068%
1966*** 8251460.0083%
1965*** 8061510.0083%
1964*** 6882220.0113%
1963*** 7591840.0093%
1962*** 7052150.0106%
1961*** 6552430.0117%
1960*** 6482420.0116%
1959*** 6052690.0129%
1958*** 5633010.0146%
1957*** 5003600.0172%
1956*** 5313070.0149%
1955*** 4833560.0178%
1954*** 4304120.0207%
1953*** 4274150.0215%
1952*** 3854570.0240%
1951*** 3624920.0267%
1950*** 3305430.0309%
1949*** 3345460.0311%
1948*** 3086180.0355%
1947*** 3126090.0335%
1946*** 2976020.0374%
1945*** 2835980.0444%
1944*** 2736390.0468%
1943*** 2587150.0499%
1942*** 2497540.0542%
1941*** 2367280.0585%
1940*** 2317350.0622%
1939*** 2117930.0699%
1938*** 2177860.0689%
1937*** 2038340.0757%
1936*** 2018410.0781%
1935*** 1899280.0854%
1934*** 1801,0090.0933%
1933*** 1769860.0943%
1932*** 1661,1630.1052%
1931*** 1631,1480.1041%
1930*** 1691,2080.1037%
1929*** 1661,2500.1080%
1928*** 1581,3740.1151%
1927*** 1611,3860.1122%
1926*** 1581,4780.1203%
1925*** 1621,4890.1180%
1924*** 1681,4260.1101%
1923*** 1681,3870.1108%
1922*** 1641,4090.1130%
1921*** 1581,5250.1193%
1920*** 1521,5290.1230%
1919*** 1471,4970.1275%
1918*** 1531,4620.1216%
1917*** 1471,4370.1280%
1916*** 1461,3730.1265%
1915*** 1391,3730.1342%
1914*** 1479910.1247%
1913*** 1408650.1325%
1912*** 1417740.1323%
1911*** 1395900.1340%
1910*** 1405760.1376%
1909*** 1454840.1317%
1908*** 1434770.1347%
1907*** 1504390.1302%
1906*** 1394440.1417%
1905*** 1643290.1062%
1904*** 1573450.1180%
1903*** 1653010.1082%
1902*** 1662890.1031%
1901*** 1832360.0928%
1900*** 1882760.0868%
1899*** 1732470.0998%
1898*** 1882400.0875%
1897*** 1852130.0858%
1896*** 1991920.0762%
1895*** 1912030.0821%
1894*** 1852110.0894%
1893*** 2031550.0688%
1892*** 1981600.0711%
1891*** 1921390.0707%
1890*** 2051350.0669%
1889*** 237960.0507%
1888*** 253830.0438%
1887*** 269620.0399%
1886*** 261640.0416%
1885*** 267550.0387%
1884*** 270530.0385%
1883*** 288380.0316%
1882*** 321310.0268%
1881*** 298280.0283%
1880*** 285300.0307%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.