Baby Name Rankings of Erika

Erika: Statistics About The Baby Name Erika

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2019*** 9012920.0160%
2018*** 8962980.0161%
2017*** 7573650.0195%
2016*** 7413830.0199%
2015*** 7283850.0199%
2014*** 6784140.0214%
2013*** 6114540.0238%
2012*** 5395540.0288%
2011*** 5325410.0282%
2010*** 4297220.0372%
2009*** 3748560.0428%
2008*** 3311,0030.0488%
2007*** 2641,2620.0606%
2006*** 2381,4140.0687%
2005*** 2141,5970.0802%
2004*** 1921,7490.0881%
2003*** 1781,8110.0908%
2002*** 1661,9500.0992%
2001*** 1472,2270.1128%
2000*** 1232,7250.1370%
1999*** 1372,3220.1196%
1998*** 1242,6690.1380%
1997*** 1112,8950.1519%
1996*** 1063,0770.1607%
1995*** 1023,2840.1711%
1994*** 903,5860.1842%
1993*** 854,0070.2035%
1992*** 804,3330.2164%
1991*** 844,3060.2120%
1990*** 744,5560.2221%
1989*** 734,1840.2102%
1988*** 763,8750.2020%
1987*** 753,9930.2134%
1986*** 743,6720.1993%
1985*** 803,4970.1897%
1984*** 823,5330.1962%
1983*** 803,5460.1984%
1982*** 813,5870.1981%
1981*** 933,3900.1899%
1980*** 873,5080.1973%
1979*** 913,3160.1926%
1978*** 1042,8220.1719%
1977*** 1032,8220.1717%
1976*** 1122,3360.1487%
1975*** 1282,2540.1445%
1974*** 1272,2640.1446%
1973*** 1322,1530.1386%
1972*** 1382,1780.1351%
1971*** 1462,1990.1256%
1970*** 1711,9360.1058%
1969*** 2221,3520.0767%
1968*** 2819560.0559%
1967*** 3048120.0473%
1966*** 4234890.0279%
1965*** 4674170.0228%
1964*** 5203560.0182%
1963*** 5643030.0152%
1962*** 6302560.0126%
1961*** 7381980.0095%
1960*** 7721750.0084%
1959*** 7811700.0082%
1958*** 8971300.0063%
1957*** 9061260.0060%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.