Baby Name Rankings of Ericka

Ericka: Statistics About The Baby Name Ericka

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2006*** 9932570.0125%
2004*** 9742420.0122%
2003*** 7883120.0156%
2002*** 8192830.0144%
2001*** 7343260.0165%
2000*** 6363920.0197%
1999*** 6373680.0189%
1998*** 5474520.0234%
1997*** 5764020.0211%
1996*** 5404320.0226%
1995*** 5014890.0255%
1994*** 4715360.0275%
1993*** 4056150.0312%
1992*** 3806780.0339%
1991*** 3657060.0348%
1990*** 3567470.0364%
1989*** 3696930.0348%
1988*** 3556950.0362%
1987*** 3716250.0334%
1986*** 3935860.0318%
1985*** 3825950.0323%
1984*** 3915560.0309%
1983*** 3865760.0322%
1982*** 3945840.0322%
1981*** 3666390.0358%
1980*** 3536700.0377%
1979*** 3357030.0408%
1978*** 3556000.0365%
1977*** 3536250.0380%
1976*** 3675730.0365%
1975*** 3765530.0355%
1974*** 3416380.0408%
1973*** 3207060.0455%
1972*** 3028040.0499%
1971*** 3019100.0520%
1970*** 3846140.0335%
1969*** 5563150.0179%
1968*** 7241830.0107%
1967*** 9551140.0066%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.