Baby Name Rankings of Enzo

Enzo: Statistics About The Baby Name Enzo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023903,7960.2073% ***
20221213,0770.1651% ***
20211392,7120.1458% ***
20201742,2110.1199% ***
20192181,7100.0896% ***
20182281,6460.0853% ***
20172571,4190.0723% ***
20163081,1460.0568% ***
20153301,0390.0513% ***
20143698470.0417% ***
20134107140.0357% ***
20124176760.0336% ***
20114007000.0348% ***
20104436000.0295% ***
20095924360.0208% ***
20086064080.0190% ***
20076583590.0165% ***
20067372850.0132% ***
20057512600.0125% ***
20047902250.0108% ***
20038691970.0094% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.