Baby Name Rankings of Emory

Emory: Statistics About The Baby Name Emory

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238312920.0159% 3668340.0477%
20228452860.0153% 4666780.0380%
20218172910.0156% 4776500.0365%
20208182810.0152% 4446920.0393%
20198012850.0149% 4806480.0355%
20187882860.0148% 4726540.0354%
20178072780.0142% 6354620.0246%
20168362690.0133% 6554480.0232%
20158292690.0133% 6264520.0234%
20148682520.0124% 7433730.0192%
20138962300.0115% 7993360.0176%
20129832010.0100% 8812980.0155%
1974991680.0042% ***
1973944730.0045% ***
1971862890.0049% ***
1970885830.0044% ***
1969784970.0053% ***
1968781900.0051% ***
1967803820.0046% ***
19667091090.0060% ***
1965785890.0047% ***
19646371490.0074% ***
19636641390.0067% ***
19626921250.0060% ***
19616911220.0057% ***
19606871310.0061% ***
19596611350.0062% ***
19587141080.0050% ***
19576341460.0067% ***
19566631310.0061% ***
19556211430.0069% ***
19545551710.0083% ***
19535611600.0080% ***
19525801430.0072% ***
19515891380.0072% ***
19505271640.0090% ***
19495471480.0082% ***
19484672040.0115% ***
19475131740.0094% ***
19464691870.0114% ***
19454811560.0114% ***
19444491790.0129% ***
19434651830.0126% ***
19424252070.0147% ***
19414351790.0143% ***
19404271860.0157% ***
19394291760.0155% ***
19384381730.0152% ***
19374181840.0168% ***
19363891970.0185% ***
19354311700.0159% ***
19344391650.0156% ***
19333941890.0186% ***
19323702270.0212% ***
19313792180.0204% ***
19304152000.0177% ***
19293862230.0202% ***
19283992260.0198% ***
19273942290.0197% ***
19263972230.0195% ***
19253672630.0229% ***
19243772570.0220% ***
19233802430.0215% ***
19223682660.0236% ***
19213752610.0230% ***
19203353060.0278% ***
19193912240.0221% ***
19183942280.0217% ***
19173612380.0248% ***
19163572280.0247% ***
19153572260.0256% ***
19143381890.0277% ***
19133311520.0284% ***
19123521170.0259% ***
1911319730.0303% ***
1910333550.0264% ***
1909301580.0328% ***
1908350420.0253% ***
1907298520.0328% ***
1906331390.0271% ***
1905308430.0300% ***
1904307410.0296% ***
1903343320.0247% ***
1902246570.0429% ***
1901259440.0381% ***
1900288520.0320% ***
1899272410.0356% ***
1898317370.0280% ***
1897292390.0320% ***
1896266460.0356% ***
1895275420.0332% ***
1894281400.0320% ***
1893341270.0223% ***
1892300380.0289% ***
1891359230.0210% ***
1890323290.0242% ***
1889277370.0311% ***
1888304350.0269% ***
1887290330.0302% ***
1886280370.0311% ***
1885285340.0293% ***
1884280380.0310% ***
1883267380.0338% ***
1882279380.0311% ***
1881240420.0388% ***
1880267400.0338% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.