Baby Name Rankings of Emmitt

Emmitt: Statistics About The Baby Name Emmitt

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20236554150.0227% ***
20225994670.0251% ***
20215445310.0285% ***
20205115570.0302% ***
20195005690.0298% ***
20185375190.0269% ***
20175335260.0268% ***
20165225630.0279% ***
20155814730.0233% ***
20146074380.0216% ***
20136223920.0196% ***
20126593560.0177% ***
20117802840.0141% ***
20108712370.0117% ***
1965941610.0032% ***
1963940640.0031% ***
1962987600.0029% ***
1961912700.0033% ***
1960989600.0028% ***
1959870770.0036% ***
1958897710.0033% ***
1957844790.0036% ***
1956838790.0037% ***
1955899680.0033% ***
1954790830.0040% ***
1953720980.0049% ***
1952737910.0046% ***
19516631100.0058% ***
19506791020.0056% ***
1949712930.0052% ***
1948722870.0049% ***
1947792760.0041% ***
1946745780.0047% ***
1945692770.0056% ***
1944659890.0064% ***
1943658940.0065% ***
1942666930.0066% ***
1941662850.0068% ***
1940696750.0063% ***
1939644850.0075% ***
1938684780.0069% ***
1937683770.0070% ***
1936747650.0061% ***
1935612910.0085% ***
1934722720.0068% ***
1933620870.0085% ***
1932712760.0071% ***
1931675790.0074% ***
1930724760.0067% ***
1929703780.0071% ***
19285971070.0094% ***
19276311000.0086% ***
1926671890.0078% ***
1925661940.0082% ***
19246191070.0092% ***
19236401010.0089% ***
19225781230.0109% ***
1921651980.0086% ***
19206271020.0093% ***
19195591160.0114% ***
1918716790.0075% ***
1917665810.0084% ***
1916683760.0082% ***
1915607900.0102% ***
1914705540.0079% ***
1913601540.0101% ***
1912618450.0100% ***
1911552300.0125% ***
1910514300.0144% ***
1909455310.0176% ***
1908544220.0132% ***
1907600180.0114% ***
1906478220.0153% ***
1905424260.0181% ***
1904471210.0152% ***
1903438220.0170% ***
1902621130.0098% ***
1901492160.0138% ***
1900483230.0141% ***
1899590120.0104% ***
1898552150.0114% ***
1897527150.0123% ***
1896563140.0108% ***
1895511160.0126% ***
1894506160.0128% ***
1893549130.0107% ***
1892502160.0122% ***
189165990.0082% ***
1890544130.0109% ***
1889506140.0118% ***
1888536140.0108% ***
1887557110.0101% ***
1886458160.0134% ***
1885586110.0095% ***
1884628100.0081% ***
188375170.0062% ***
1882585110.0090% ***
1881572100.0092% ***
188077070.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.