Baby Name Rankings of Emmanuel

Emmanuel: Statistics About The Baby Name Emmanuel

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231732,1000.1147% ***
20221702,2000.1181% ***
20211911,9670.1057% ***
20201502,4580.1333% ***
20191632,4100.1263% ***
20181592,4040.1246% ***
20171542,5020.1274% ***
20161582,5650.1271% ***
20151502,7230.1343% ***
20141652,5480.1255% ***
20131712,3770.1188% ***
20121652,3310.1160% ***
20111472,6560.1320% ***
20101542,5290.1244% ***
20091462,6950.1286% ***
20081462,8200.1311% ***
20071542,6670.1223% ***
20061662,4460.1135% ***
20051602,5300.1212% ***
20041742,3130.1112% ***
20031832,1040.1008% ***
20021842,0220.0983% ***
20011981,8440.0895% ***
20001961,7940.0862% ***
19992151,5800.0777% ***
19982131,4980.0740% ***
19972101,4740.0739% ***
19962111,4700.0735% ***
19952241,3310.0663% ***
19942291,2840.0631% ***
19932171,3850.0672% ***
19922241,3560.0647% ***
19912191,3820.0653% ***
19902181,3950.0649% ***
19892121,3380.0639% ***
19882071,2710.0636% ***
19871921,3960.0717% ***
19862051,1820.0616% ***
19852091,1420.0595% ***
19842141,0660.0569% ***
19832837160.0385% ***
19823176130.0326% ***
19813136060.0326% ***
19803994100.0222% ***
19794523210.0180% ***
19784543110.0182% ***
19775182530.0148% ***
19765612070.0127% ***
19755432180.0135% ***
19745911810.0111% ***
19735821850.0115% ***
19726101680.0100% ***
19716521580.0087% ***
19707041390.0073% ***
19696891310.0072% ***
19686951180.0067% ***
19677031110.0062% ***
19667081090.0060% ***
19656461330.0070% ***
19647051210.0060% ***
19636831300.0063% ***
19626881270.0060% ***
19616781300.0060% ***
19607451070.0049% ***
19597461040.0048% ***
1958823830.0039% ***
1957821850.0039% ***
1956802860.0040% ***
1955861730.0035% ***
1954743930.0045% ***
1953869680.0034% ***
1952849680.0034% ***
1951839690.0036% ***
1950910570.0031% ***
1949870620.0035% ***
1948987500.0028% ***
1938939450.0040% ***
1923999490.0043% ***
190896890.0054% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.