Baby Name Rankings of Elnora

Elnora: Statistics About The Baby Name Elnora

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1957*** 9481180.0056%
1956*** 9511120.0054%
1955*** 9121160.0058%
1954*** 7801440.0072%
1953*** 7321550.0080%
1952*** 7161550.0081%
1951*** 7051530.0083%
1950*** 6351810.0103%
1949*** 5852010.0115%
1948*** 5702130.0122%
1947*** 5932060.0113%
1946*** 5751930.0120%
1945*** 5032120.0158%
1944*** 5002090.0153%
1943*** 4712450.0171%
1942*** 4542630.0189%
1941*** 4312500.0201%
1940*** 4152760.0234%
1939*** 3862930.0258%
1938*** 3753090.0271%
1937*** 3583240.0294%
1936*** 3613060.0284%
1935*** 3283690.0340%
1934*** 3523200.0296%
1933*** 3423320.0318%
1932*** 3223930.0355%
1931*** 3463390.0308%
1930*** 3333780.0324%
1929*** 3204170.0360%
1928*** 3104520.0378%
1927*** 3064790.0388%
1926*** 3044840.0394%
1925*** 2865430.0430%
1924*** 2606400.0494%
1923*** 2675820.0465%
1922*** 2675830.0467%
1921*** 2696120.0479%
1920*** 2656090.0490%
1919*** 2655740.0489%
1918*** 2625820.0484%
1917*** 2615700.0508%
1916*** 2605480.0505%
1915*** 2734660.0455%
1914*** 2534230.0532%
1913*** 2503500.0536%
1912*** 2513150.0538%
1911*** 2702020.0459%
1910*** 2482410.0576%
1909*** 2432110.0574%
1908*** 2711710.0483%
1907*** 2711620.0480%
1906*** 2521680.0536%
1905*** 2261890.0610%
1904*** 2531550.0530%
1903*** 2681320.0475%
1902*** 2391620.0578%
1901*** 2771160.0456%
1900*** 2361820.0572%
1899*** 2751090.0440%
1898*** 3041050.0383%
1897*** 312860.0346%
1896*** 2841060.0421%
1895*** 294940.0380%
1894*** 302830.0352%
1893*** 308790.0351%
1892*** 266980.0436%
1891*** 282780.0397%
1890*** 286760.0377%
1889*** 272770.0407%
1888*** 254820.0433%
1887*** 249710.0457%
1886*** 311450.0293%
1885*** 266550.0387%
1884*** 238640.0465%
1883*** 292360.0300%
1882*** 221600.0519%
1881*** 228470.0475%
1880*** 238420.0430%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.