Baby Name Rankings of Elmore

Elmore: Statistics About The Baby Name Elmore

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1949896590.0033% ***
1945867520.0038% ***
1944845560.0040% ***
1943890560.0039% ***
1941981430.0034% ***
1939890490.0043% ***
1938938450.0040% ***
1937943440.0040% ***
1936848520.0049% ***
1935893500.0047% ***
1934910480.0045% ***
1933752660.0065% ***
1932831590.0055% ***
1931741690.0065% ***
1930776680.0060% ***
1929810640.0058% ***
1928873580.0051% ***
1927820660.0057% ***
1926712800.0070% ***
1925675900.0078% ***
1924704870.0074% ***
19236181060.0094% ***
19225981170.0104% ***
1921657970.0085% ***
1920703850.0077% ***
19196031010.0099% ***
19185321300.0124% ***
1917603970.0101% ***
1916631860.0093% ***
19155081190.0135% ***
1914557800.0117% ***
1913540640.0119% ***
1912533560.0124% ***
1911629240.0100% ***
1910502310.0149% ***
1909488280.0159% ***
1908568200.0120% ***
1907458260.0164% ***
1906526190.0132% ***
1905434250.0175% ***
1904497190.0137% ***
1903558160.0124% ***
1902619130.0098% ***
190174390.0078% ***
1900405310.0191% ***
1899559130.0113% ***
1898456200.0151% ***
1897560140.0115% ***
1896402240.0186% ***
1895459190.0150% ***
1894641110.0088% ***
189371890.0074% ***
1892555140.0106% ***
1891416180.0165% ***
1890576120.0100% ***
1889505140.0118% ***
1888487160.0123% ***
1887599100.0091% ***
1886581110.0092% ***
1885426180.0155% ***
1884582110.0090% ***
1883610100.0089% ***
1882523130.0107% ***
188190950.0046% ***
188065090.0076% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.