Baby Name Rankings of Eliseo

Eliseo: Statistics About The Baby Name Eliseo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20236913840.0210% ***
20226853920.0210% ***
20218332840.0153% ***
20207852940.0159% ***
20198362670.0140% ***
20187952820.0146% ***
20178542550.0130% ***
20168512630.0130% ***
20159112360.0116% ***
20149522200.0108% ***
20129402140.0106% ***
20119682020.0100% ***
20079572020.0093% ***
20059851710.0082% ***
20029431700.0083% ***
20018551870.0091% ***
20009271640.0079% ***
19999811450.0071% ***
19978971540.0077% ***
19969091450.0072% ***
19958781540.0077% ***
19949331390.0068% ***
19939121390.0067% ***
19929141340.0064% ***
19919801190.0056% ***
19909621170.0054% ***
19899241210.0058% ***
1987997910.0047% ***
1986991870.0045% ***
1985950920.0048% ***
1984949860.0046% ***
1983985800.0043% ***
19828871010.0054% ***
19818311120.0060% ***
19808901010.0055% ***
1979891960.0054% ***
1978954820.0048% ***
19778281050.0062% ***
1975881880.0054% ***
1973950720.0045% ***
1969980610.0033% ***
1967970560.0031% ***
1966959570.0031% ***
1964987590.0029% ***
1962996590.0028% ***
1958979600.0028% ***
1955913660.0032% ***
1951965530.0028% ***
1949864630.0035% ***
1945885510.0037% ***
1943992450.0031% ***
1942962480.0034% ***
1941964440.0035% ***
1939960430.0038% ***
1937956430.0039% ***
1935960440.0041% ***
1934920470.0044% ***
1932996440.0041% ***
1929863590.0053% ***
1928906550.0048% ***
188777270.0064% ***
188095050.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.