Baby Name Rankings of Eliana

Eliana: Statistics About The Baby Name Eliana

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 345,3290.3047%
2022*** 414,7800.2679%
2021*** 484,4250.2487%
2020*** 534,0700.2309%
2019*** 623,8680.2122%
2018*** 833,3730.1827%
2017*** 883,2540.1736%
2016*** 933,1980.1658%
2015*** 1032,9560.1528%
2014*** 1172,7080.1397%
2013*** 1252,5840.1353%
2012*** 1452,2190.1155%
2011*** 1561,9800.1031%
2010*** 1691,8050.0930%
2009*** 1931,6700.0834%
2008*** 2031,6300.0793%
2007*** 2511,3690.0657%
2006*** 2821,1730.0570%
2005*** 3051,0260.0515%
2004*** 3139980.0502%
2003*** 3478830.0443%
2002*** 3947400.0376%
2001*** 4935620.0285%
2000*** 5364820.0242%
1999*** 6253790.0195%
1998*** 7093110.0161%
1997*** 7832650.0139%
1996*** 8842230.0116%
1994*** 9921870.0096%
1993*** 9901870.0095%
1992*** 9182120.0106%
1991*** 7502770.0136%
1987*** 8252110.0113%
1986*** 4504800.0261%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.