Baby Name Rankings of Eldred

Eldred: Statistics About The Baby Name Eldred

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1941901500.0040% ***
1939786600.0053% ***
1938912480.0042% ***
1937840530.0049% ***
1935832560.0052% ***
1934825580.0055% ***
1933813580.0057% ***
1932756690.0064% ***
1931674790.0074% ***
1930692820.0073% ***
1929646910.0082% ***
1928640950.0083% ***
1927661930.0080% ***
1926655930.0081% ***
19256261020.0089% ***
19246381030.0088% ***
19235761180.0104% ***
1922662950.0084% ***
19215731220.0107% ***
19205751180.0107% ***
1919639910.0090% ***
1918621980.0093% ***
19175291190.0124% ***
1916637850.0092% ***
19155651010.0115% ***
1914547810.0119% ***
1913549620.0116% ***
1912628440.0098% ***
1911675220.0091% ***
1910734170.0082% ***
1909814130.0074% ***
190896590.0054% ***
1905641140.0098% ***
190482790.0065% ***
1902596140.0105% ***
189876390.0068% ***
189678890.0070% ***
189590870.0055% ***
189281680.0061% ***
188990760.0050% ***
188374670.0062% ***
188297750.0041% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.