Baby Name Rankings of Elaina

Elaina: Statistics About The Baby Name Elaina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2721,1470.0656%
2022*** 2541,2110.0679%
2021*** 2571,1950.0672%
2020*** 2491,2050.0684%
2019*** 2791,1670.0640%
2018*** 2721,2050.0653%
2017*** 2841,1370.0606%
2016*** 2671,1880.0616%
2015*** 2911,0970.0567%
2014*** 2811,1450.0591%
2013*** 3101,0300.0539%
2012*** 3379240.0481%
2011*** 3598900.0463%
2010*** 3978000.0412%
2009*** 4626620.0331%
2008*** 4626750.0328%
2007*** 4317490.0359%
2006*** 4487040.0342%
2005*** 4386870.0345%
2004*** 4566520.0328%
2003*** 4626440.0323%
2002*** 5285170.0263%
2001*** 5115280.0268%
2000*** 5045330.0268%
1999*** 5554530.0233%
1998*** 6513550.0184%
1997*** 7103020.0158%
1996*** 6353530.0184%
1995*** 6373400.0177%
1994*** 6173590.0184%
1993*** 7422800.0142%
1992*** 7662700.0135%
1991*** 7722660.0131%
1990*** 8132420.0118%
1989*** 7992380.0120%
1988*** 8302190.0114%
1987*** 8921880.0100%
1986*** 8212040.0111%
1985*** 8501900.0103%
1984*** 8851680.0093%
1983*** 8071920.0107%
1982*** 7712120.0117%
1981*** 7422220.0124%
1980*** 8951690.0095%
1979*** 9141620.0094%
1978*** 6682390.0146%
1977*** 9521450.0088%
1974*** 9961210.0077%
1966*** 9641110.0063%
1965*** 9061240.0068%
1964*** 9761180.0060%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.