Baby Name Rankings of Edwardo

Edwardo: Statistics About The Baby Name Edwardo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19919391270.0060% ***
19909871140.0053% ***
19899621120.0054% ***
19889591010.0051% ***
1987961960.0049% ***
19869031020.0053% ***
1985920970.0051% ***
1984891960.0051% ***
1983908940.0051% ***
19828651060.0056% ***
19818151150.0062% ***
19807811250.0068% ***
19798721000.0056% ***
19787921150.0067% ***
19778341040.0061% ***
19766931430.0088% ***
19757961090.0067% ***
19747431190.0073% ***
19737021300.0081% ***
19727001320.0079% ***
19717331260.0069% ***
19706651510.0079% ***
19696881310.0072% ***
19686521340.0076% ***
19677101090.0061% ***
19666331360.0075% ***
19656951150.0061% ***
19647311110.0055% ***
19637121200.0058% ***
19627191140.0054% ***
19617631020.0047% ***
19607621010.0047% ***
19597321090.0050% ***
1958788890.0041% ***
1957787910.0042% ***
1956808850.0040% ***
1955825780.0037% ***
1954898680.0033% ***
1953980540.0027% ***
1952877640.0032% ***
1951899610.0032% ***
1950981500.0027% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.