Baby Name Rankings of Edison

Edison: Statistics About The Baby Name Edison

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238302920.0159% ***
20227403460.0186% ***
20216154490.0241% ***
20205984570.0248% ***
20195944630.0243% ***
20185365190.0269% ***
20175544930.0251% ***
20165764800.0238% ***
20156324180.0206% ***
20146903580.0176% ***
20136593620.0181% ***
20127533010.0150% ***
20117672900.0144% ***
20108972260.0111% ***
20079672000.0092% ***
20069471930.0090% ***
20059951690.0081% ***
1959921690.0032% ***
1956949620.0029% ***
1953979540.0027% ***
1952970540.0027% ***
1950899580.0032% ***
1948985500.0028% ***
1945938470.0034% ***
1944991430.0031% ***
1943966480.0033% ***
1942985460.0033% ***
1941850550.0044% ***
1940982430.0036% ***
1939959430.0038% ***
1936983410.0039% ***
1935866520.0049% ***
1934931460.0043% ***
1933951440.0043% ***
1932859560.0052% ***
1931690760.0071% ***
1930835610.0054% ***
1929809640.0058% ***
1928872580.0051% ***
1927731790.0068% ***
1926841620.0054% ***
1925873590.0051% ***
1924736810.0069% ***
1923689880.0078% ***
19226381040.0092% ***
1921710850.0075% ***
1920698860.0078% ***
1919672850.0084% ***
19185801100.0105% ***
19175381170.0122% ***
1916636850.0092% ***
1915641820.0093% ***
1914756490.0072% ***
1913659460.0086% ***
1912637430.0095% ***
1911765180.0075% ***
1910733170.0082% ***
1909690160.0091% ***
1908900100.0060% ***
1907750130.0082% ***
1906808100.0069% ***
1905801100.0070% ***
1904620140.0101% ***
1902595140.0105% ***
190188270.0061% ***
189987970.0061% ***
1897624120.0098% ***
189692070.0054% ***
1893582120.0099% ***
189281580.0061% ***
189187460.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.